Advocacy and Independent Visiting.
Advocacy is about having someone to listen to you and helping you to be heard. It can help you to tell the people who make decisions about your life what you think and how you feel.
You may be eligible for advocacy if you meet any of the following criteria:
With those with no or limited contact with their family, we also offer an Independent Visiting service. An Independent Visitor is an adult who will visit and spend time with you, a positive role model and someone who will go on fun activities of your choice.
Read our leaflet for more information on Independent Visiting >
We are friendly and easy to talk to, give us a call on the number below! Remember to ask for an advocate.
If you would rather a parent/carer make a referral on your behalf, they could fill out a referral form linked below or call the number below.
Telephone: 01443 805940
Email: [email protected]
Freephone number: 0800 4703930