How can we help?

What services we have to offer

Advocacy and Independent Visiting.

What is Advocacy?

Advocacy is about having someone to listen to you and helping you to be heard. It can help you to tell the people who make decisions about your life what you think and how you feel.

Advocacy can help you to:

  • get your voice heard
  • know and understand your rights
  • take part in meetings and reviews
  • sort things out with your social worker or carer
  • make a complaint.

Our eligibility criteria:

You may be eligible for advocacy if you meet any of the following criteria:

  • If you are under the care of your local authority
  • If you receive support from social services
  • If you are in the process of leaving care under the age of 21, or under the age of 25 for those in further education

What is Independent Visiting?

With those with no or limited contact with their family, we also offer an Independent Visiting service. An Independent Visitor is an adult who will visit and spend time with you, a positive role model and someone who will go on fun activities of your choice.

Read our leaflet for more information on Independent Visiting >

How do I get in touch?

We are friendly and easy to talk to, give us a call on the number below! Remember to ask for an advocate.

If you would rather a parent/carer make a referral on your behalf, they could fill out a referral form linked below or call the number below.

Who is in our team

TGP Cymru staff member
Megan Davies
Team Manager
Tony Holling
Independent Professional Advocate
Wayne Marsh
Independent Professional Advocate
Gail Humphreys
Independent Professional Advocate
Mary Wilkins
Independent Professional Advocate
What is an interesting fact about yourself?
I have played table tennis since I was a child and enjoy competing in the local league every week
Amanda Roderick
Independent Professional Advocate
What is an interesting fact about yourself?
I trained as a doctor many years ago and I love practical jokes!
Delyth Webb
Independent Professional Advocate
What is an unusual event which has happened during your life?
During the first lockdown in 2020, my husband, children and I temporarily adopted two pregnant donkeys, a pony, lots of chickens, four lambs and three pigs.
Chloe Pritchard
Independent Professional Advocate
Tell us about an interesting achievement in your life?
I won youth achiever of the year and global youth achiever for running dance workshops in my local youth club age 14-15.
Annette Bond
What is your favourite movie?
Dirty Dancing, I have watched it many times

Ways to get in touch

Telephone: 01443 805940
Email: [email protected]
Freephone number: 0800 4703930

Project address

The Factory, Welsh Hills Works, Jenkin Street, Porth, RCT, CF39 9PP