How can we help?

What services we have to offer

We are Independent Professional Advocates and Independent Visitors who are here to listen to you and support you to make sure your voice is heard! This is how we can help…

What is Advocacy?

Advocacy is about having someone to listen to you. It can help you to tell the people who make decisions about your life what you think and how you feel.

Please see our leaflet for more information >

The short video we produced called “Is Anyone Listening?” serves as a good introduction to what advocacy means:

Advocacy can help you to:

  • get your voice heard
  • know and understand your rights
  • take part in meetings and reviews
  • sort things out with your social worker or carer
  • make a complaint

What is Independent Visiting?

We also have an Independent Visitor Service for those with no or limited contact with their parents. An Independent Visitor is an adult who will visit you and keep you company, serving as a positive role model and a friend.

Independent Visiting can help you to:

  • try new things and have new experiences
  • become comfortable around adults
  • have someone to talk to
  • go on fun activities

How do I get in touch?

We are friendly and easy to talk to, give us a call on the number below! Remember to ask for an advocate.

If you would rather a parent/carer make a referral on your behalf, they could fill out a referral form linked below or call the number below.


If you have experience with our service we would love to you’re your feedback.

Please follow this link to tell us about an advocacy service you received from us >

Members of the team went axe throwing to celebrate our 20th anniversary!

Members of the team went axe throwing to celebrate our 20th anniversary!

Who is in our team

Rebecca Owen
Team Manager
What is your favourite thing to do on the weekends?
I love to walk my little dog, Winston, around the farm where I live
Melanie Tugwell
Administrator (Morning)
Nicola Jones
Administrator (Afternoon
Sarah Hughes
Senior Practitioner
Alice Ghazzali
Elin Griffith
Garry Hughes
Ellie Jones
Sean Jones

Ways to get in touch

Telephone:  01286 238007
Email: [email protected]
Freephone number (if applicable) 0800 111 6880

Project address

Victoria Chambers, 4 Palace Street, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 1RR