Ceredigion Junior Safeguarding Board, the Safe Stars, continue to ask questions to a number of the professionals whose role is to safeguard children and young people across Wales.
The Safe Stars are on week 7 of the ‘Question-time challenge’ and met up with TGP Cymru Mid and West Wales Advocacy Team Manager Mari Jefferis. Mari managers a team of advocates who keep children and young people safe across the whole of Mid and West Wales. Mari has also been involved in supporting the Ceredigion Safe Stars on a number of projects so we just had to have her back! Thanks Mari for all your help and agreeing to take on the #TGPQT challenge ☺
Check out Mari’s answers to the ‘Question-time challenge’ here. We hope you have as much fun as we did and then why not take on the #TGPQT challenge yourself. ☺
Ceredigion Junior Safeguarding Board