TGP Cymru held a successful event on 4th February at The Senedd to celebrate and share Innovation in Children’s Rights and Advocacy in Wales.
The event was hosted by David Melding with key speakers Julie Morgan AM- Deputy Minister for Health & Social Services, Sally Holland- Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Diane Daniel- Chair of TGP Cymru Trustee Board.
We also had Jade Pescoed and Zack Robinson from TGP’s Participation Group introducing the film ‘Is anyone listening’ explaining advocacy by young people for young people.
Jade and Zack have worked with Promo Cymru to develop this film as well as doing the voice over so were particularly proud of this achievement.
The purpose of the event, as well as launching the film was to:
Our Young Peoples Advisory Group also thought it would be good to have their own website for children and young people, as well as professionals to find out more about Advocacy in Wales and this can be found at
Our young people, including a number who had attended from mid and west Wales, particularly enjoyed seeing AM’s and other guests try out our new Snap Chat filter. Go to TGP Cymru on the Snap Chat Filter if you want to have a go!